This page is about THEM !
important ? of course lah sayang
Just want to tell you all, they're the best in my life (:

They're my friends, truly really friends....were having all difficult 
things together..promise never break our realation
except, death by the one...
Asya : you the best, always taking care of me when his not around .Thanks Asya
Eliy : Always fight, but always together when we are in trouble . Thanks Eliy
Alia : you''re the only one my bestie since we in standard 2, tiger still remember ? that cat make us always together, hope we together forever . Thanks Alia
Eikah : Not much i can says about you, you're the cutest in our group. Thanks Eikah
Eirah :The Manja in our group xD HAHA..
Yana : kau ? err...ntahla, apepun kau mmg baik dgn aku, kite bukan lagi musuh kenken ? good then yana, were friends good friend (:


Shafeqzul Ikhmal HOTTEST BOY ( hotlahsangatyouni ) His already TAKEN by Monsta NA. Kita MONSTA dia SKELETON tehee :3

Kak Aqilah pun cakap macam tuh. Tapi Alyn kurang percaya ((: Macam tak percaya. Herr... Dia kejam, gedik, mengada-ngada macam perempuan. It's my job to act as a BOY -.-' His not matured actually. Lantak padan muka kau hahaha XP Whatever his type, NA still LOVE HIM :3 tehee..

- Okay tak nak kutuk dia lagi. Nanti dia merajuk macam 
perempuan. Susah nak pujuk -.-' kaybai